Attention all Land Owners in the Cotswolds


Cotswold District Council has recently launched a ‘Call for Sites’

Marches Homes wants to hear from anyone who has potential land or buildings in the Cotswold’s that might have development potential to be used for residential housing.

A Call for Sites identifies land that has the potential to deliver housing and will inform the Council's Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and other Local Plan evidence documents.

The deadline for site submissions is Friday 13 November 2020.

The SHELAA helps assess the development potential of sites across the District. Although separate from the Local Plan site allocation process, it will be used as evidence to help update the Cotswold District Local Plan 2011-2031.

Marches Homes will submit the land with and pay for the correct professional reports and bring in our professional team to help get the site allocated on the landowners behalf.

Once allocated there is a principle of development set, Marches Homes will then pay for the planning application at our own cost and risk. Once consented we will share in the uplift created by the benefit of planning which will be shared between us and the landowner. There is absolutely no risk to the landowner as we will pay for everything on their behalf to ensure the best possible chance of getting the site allocated and then consented.

If you have land or know of someone looking for a developer to help get land allocated and fund planning, please get in touch with our land director Miles Pattison-Appleton on or 01432 700 025.


Planning Consultants – We want to work with you.


Architects – Let us give you more work.